Be yourself, everyone else is taken...

Be yourself, everyone else is taken...

Creator of Pretty Eccentric Michelle talks about knowing yourself and owning who you are inside and out.

If you're reading this, I suppose you're a little curious to learn a bit about my inspiration for Pretty Eccentric?
So back in the early 2000s, I was doing rather well in my fashion career working as a fashion buyer for quite a few of the high street brands. Whilst there is a lot to say for affordable fashion; quality and fabrics are often sacrificed. It doesn't last that well and falls out style in the blink of an eye.

I felt there was a niche for gorgeous accessories and feminine clothes with fabulous fabrics, flattering cuts that cater to everyday women and which wasn't constrained by the need to deliver a wholly commercial range. By taking inspiration from the past, Pretty Eccentric designed and curated collections that never go out of style, ensuring treasured pieces can be worn year after year. All of this happened before sustainability became a big deal!  

The last decade has been a journey of self discovery too. Somewhere along the way I have found a balance between my professional, businessey self and a softer more meaningful side that was kept hidden underneath.

I have found being part of synchronicity for others makes your day more joyful. Whilst I'm hurtling down the A27 on the way to my Brighton Store, ten years ago I would have been rather annoyed if a driver behind started tailgating. Now I think: Oh well they must be in a real rush, I'll make their day better by pulling into the slow lane... Then I smile as I imagine they've arrived at their destination in plenty of time for a nice cup of tea. 

I often wonder what the world would be like if we all played a small part in greasing the wheels of synchronicity.

Big love,
Michelle xx

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