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Code Of Conduct

The code outlines the fundamental requirements all factories must meet to conduct business with Pretty Eccentric, serving as a framework for Pretty Eccentric's ongoing monitoring of factories’ employment practices and environmental compliance. Pretty Eccentric has adopted the ETI base code and integrated it into its own code of conduct.

General Principle: Factories producing goods for Pretty Eccentric must comply with their respective countries' laws and other applicable regulations.

Non-Discrimination: Factories should hire workers based on their ability to perform their job, without discrimination based on personal beliefs or characteristics.

Forced Labour: Factories must not employ forced labor, including prison, indentured, or bonded labour.

Child Labour: Factories must employ only workers who meet the legal minimum age requirement or are at least 14 years old, whichever is higher, and comply with all other child labour laws.

Wages and Hours: Factories shall set working hours, wages and overtime pay in accordance with all applicable laws and shall pay workers, as a floor, at least the minimum legal wage or the prevailing industry wage, whichever is higher. Wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide for some discretionary expenditure.  While it is recognised that overtime is often required in production, factories shall plan production in ways that limit overtime to levels that sustain humane and productive working conditions.

Working ConditionsFactories must treat workers with respect and dignity and provide them with a safe and healthy work environment, while complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding working conditions.  Factories shall ensure that no worker is subject to any physical, sexual, psychological or verbal harassment or abuse.  Factories must be well lit and ventilated, aisles accessible, machinery maintained and hazardous materials sensibly stored and safely disposed of.  Those factories providing living accommodation for their workers must keep these facilities clean and safe.

Environment: Factories must adhere to environmental laws regarding waste management, handling and disposal of hazardous materials, emissions, and effluent treatment.

Freedom of Association: Workers are free to form or join associations of their choice. Factories must not obstruct workers who wish to associate, organize, or bargain collectively, leaving the decision solely to the workers.